Dee Stefanopoulou's profile

Graphic novel - Linotype, The diary of ''bad'' dreams

The diary of ''bad'' dreams, a Graphic Novel
Six short stories in A5 Linotype prints

For my thesis for Art and Design, I worked on the portrayal of dreams. Specifically, on nightmares. What do they portray? What are the meanings behind them? Why do we see them? The illustrations are based on childhood nightmares, which are portrayed in a graphic novel in a collection of short stories. There are six stories in this collection. Each one is a nightmare that unfolds with images and dialogs, just like a graphic novel. Children have a great amount of imagination, so the stories may be odd, yet fascinating.

Some covers of my stories 
On each story cover, a mirror effect is used to depict the oddness of dreams
Extracts from my stories "The last dance" and ''The sickness''
Extract from my story ''Is the mirror always true?''
Extract from my story ''Selfie''
Storyboards and initial sketches while planning the project
The graphic novel in physical form 
The six short stories and their box
Graphic novel - Linotype, The diary of ''bad'' dreams

Graphic novel - Linotype, The diary of ''bad'' dreams
